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Situation Ukraine

March, 2022
The Thermopatch group and its associated business family are horrified by the news we are confronted with from the Ukraine.

This act of war by Russia is a direct violation of the human rights and it forces us to respond in an appropriate way and as a result we therefore have suspended all our sales with Russian and Belarus owned companies with immediate effect.

The Thermopatch group has been a long-time signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) 10 principals and they start with the following 2 principals on human rights:

Principle 1. Business should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
Principle 2. Make sure that are not complicit in human right abuses.

We regret that we must react this way, however this is the only way we can express our condemnation of this horrible war.

Thermopatch Group